Menu plan: Feb 7 – 13

Lots with which to work!

This is the inside of my freezer. Notice anything interesting about it? You know, that it is stuffed to the gills? It contains salmon, pork tenderloin, tilapia, chicken sausage, leftover roasted chicken, some deer meat shot by a coworker of Matt’s, leftover quiche, some ancient salmon burgers, frozen waffles, and no fewer than 10 tubs of soup. TEN TUBS OF SOUP. Soup in flavors that my children will never eat, like spicy peanut with eggplant and pumpkin-sausage.

Needless to say, this week’s menu plan is rooted firmly in this hot mess of a freezer. The only grocery shopping I did this weekend was to restock on Whole Foods strawberry cereal bars, which is the only thing my daughter will consent to eat on a regular basis. (Don’t judge me, please. She gets a plate of food that looks like everyone else’s at dinner, but she refuses to eat it. The strawberry bars, LIFE cereal, and strawberry kefir are her primary sources of sustenance right now. Sigh.)

Monday: Herb-Dijon pork tenderloin, roasted potatoes, broccoli
Tuesday: Salmon (which I baked and froze last week when we decided to punt and get pizza), roasted veggies, brown rice
Wednesday: dinner at friends‘ house!
Thursday: soup and sandwiches (may have to go purchase sandwich fixings, including bread)
Friday: orange-dijon chicken sausages, spinach linguine (purchased from the farmers market more than a week ago; perhaps I should move it to the freezer until then), green things
Saturday: chicken tacos with the leftover roast chicken, greeny things, chippy things
Sunday: Tilapia, beans, rice

What does your freezer look like these days? How much soup do you have socked away? (And do you want some of mine?)

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  1. fortunately our freezer is soup free, but there is some in the fridge i should have frozen, because now its time has come and gone. i do have some salmon filets i really need to cook up. however, this is what our plan looks like:

    tonight, mike’s bday: italian takeout and chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese icing
    tuesday: slowcooker beef stroganoff, seizure salad
    wed: mike’s late night, leftovers
    thursday: tortellini in pesto sauce, roasted veggies
    friday: chicken fajitas

  2. Sally

     /  February 7, 2011

    Both of ’em=overstocked. We’re having stew and corn muffins, both from the freezer, tonight. Turns out corn muffins reheat really well in the oven. Tomorrow, Iris’ choice (probably oatmeal, with assorted fruits). Wednesday, leftover chili from last night’s festivities. Thursday, fish tacos (I’ve got a head of cabbage needing some attention). Friday, some sort of toasty bread-and-cheese and tomato soup. Saturday, pasta with butter and garlic. Sunday, Chad’s chicken-and-rice.

  3. OK, not that you asked, but … why not do tenderloin, pasta and broccoli tonight, and then on Friday, do the dhicken sausages with potatoes? In other words, swap out your linguine and your potatoes.

    If you got the pasta from Pasta & Co., it does freeze pretty well. But just a suggestion! 😉

    I’m looking forward to dinner on Wednesday!

  4. Daughter’s diet sounds pretty OK to me! Otto has pretty much been living on noodles, nuggets, popcorn, and fruit/veggie juice for the past year and a half. And he’s a still a hoss. He’s just starting to eat PB sandwiches and quesadillas (OMG two foods together!) so things are looking up. He ate an apple yesterday and we just about fainted. I just want to smack the pediatrician when she says “well studies show you sometimes have to present foods 20 times before a toddler will try it.”


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